2011 - 2014
En collaboration avec David Bernstein et Jurgis Paškevičius
Jugedamos est un jeu de mots collaboratif inventé par Jurgis Paškevičius, Géraldine Longueville et David Bernstein qui s’emploie selon le contexte dans lequel il est dit. Nous générons des histoires fictives, spéculatives et absurdes à partir de nos conversations jalonnées de quiproquo et d’incompréhensions linguistiques. Jugedamos utilise la langue anglaise comme un médium élastique et modulable, permettant d’écrire des histoires qui mélangent les genres, les styles et les rythmes, allant du storytelling à la chanson.
Jugedamos a exposé à De Appel Amsterdam, Walden Affairs, La Haye, Nomas Foundation, Rome, Sculpture Center, New York, Performa, New York.
Jugedamos is a collaborative pun invented by Jurgis Paškevičius, Géraldine Longueville, and David Bernstein that plays according to the context where it’s hosted. The artists produce a new language that translates the looseness of both understanding and misunderstanding to generate stories, theories and displays. Jugedamos have exhibited at Walden Affairs (Den Haag), SculptureCenter (New York), Nomas Foundation (Rome).
Restorun, A Soup opera, 2014
Performa 13, New York - Taiga art space, St Petersburg -Tenderbooks, London
Cast: Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria (Peter Paper), Christine Zenyi Lu (Lazy Susy), Yana Dimitrova (Sexy Lucy), Joianne Bittle (Jared Longfellow), Don (Nicholas Knight), and the Wait-or (Géraldine Longueville)
The piece is a radio show, a fiction that takes place in the restaurant Restorrun, a place where you can eat or you can run. Restorrun is an inter space, a looping situation where characters meet, eat, think, and forget, eat, meet, think and forget.
The Bible Performance, 2013
Rongwrong-San Serriffe-Oude kerk, Amsterdam.
The Bible Performance is a performance tour within two exhibitions which is slowly turning the audience into a procession gathered around a totemic object. The object becomes more and more iconic as we go along from the two spaces to the church Oude Kerk in the red district of Amsterdam. Once we enter into the church, we change the process of narration into parables, singing songs and using the crowd as human microphone.
The bible performance est un tour qui détourne lentement le public venu assister à deux autres expositions en une procession rassemblée autour d’un objet totémique. L’objet en question, une sculpture présentée dans les deux expositions, devient de plus en plus iconique au fur et à mesure que la performance se développe et se déplace d’un espace à l’autre pour finalement se terminer dans l’église Oude kerk, réputée pour être le plus vieux monument religieux de la ville. Dés que nous entrons avec le groupe dans l’église, nous changeons de style narratif en usant de paraboles, de chansons, et en transformant l’audience en microphone humain.

Pastapun met mint oyster, 2013
De Appel Amsterdam.
Pastapun met mint oysters is a performance for the exhibition "Bourgeois leftovers” which deals with old and overdue art objects, present art and global values. Pastapun met mint oysters is both the title and the mechanism of the performance which is a compilation of thoughts about past / pasta shapes as different time experiences, recipes as food puns, retrospeculation and technology, oysters and hypsters.
Pastapun met mint oysters est une performance réalisée pour l‘exposition "Bourgeois Leftovers" qui aborde les notions d’arrière-garde et d’avant-garde, de nouveauté et de kicth à travers une collection de peintures conservées au Van Abbemuseum de Rotterdam. Pastapun met mint oysters est un système de calembours sur les formes du passé et des pâtes (past/pasta), sur les mécanismes du temps, la rétrospeculation et les google glasses, les huitres et les hipsters (oyster/hipster).
Superusurpedsupper, 2013
Nomas Foundation Rome, Kadist Art Foundation Paris, David Roberts Art Foundation, London.

Superusurpedsupper is a storytelling performance by Jugedamos featuring artworks from the collections of the three foundations. The artworks are sources of inspiration translated into speeches, gestures, and props for the creation of a linguistic choreography. The performance tells the story of a journey to the Ganek mountain, the place where artist Július Koller founded and directed the U.F.O. Gallery Ganek — a fictive gallery that allowed him to communicate with the unknown cosmic world. To find the gallery, jugedamos climb the cosmic peak with the help of other artworks, which over the course of the expedition, turn into a compass, a map, a torch, a clock, a fireplace, a companion, a game of white stones & red gloves, and a pizza theory. Through conversations, readings and songs, jugedamos explore how an art piece can be extended and reinterpreted. They question the borders between art and tool, authenticity and fake, and between individual authorship and shared creation.
The show will include works by: Eduardo Arroyo, Joseph Beuys, Maurizio Cattelan, Peter Coffin, Jules-Aimé Dalou, Thea Djordjadze, Ryan Gander, Július Koller, Benoît Maire, Ursula Mayer, Nicolas Matranga, Jean-Luc Moulène, Pratchaya Phinthong and Tobias Rehberger.
Download the libretto

Who's knocking at my door?, 2012-2013
De Appel Curatorial Program, Amsterdam
Who's knocking at my door? is a TV program distributed through live vocal performances. Each episode consists of an interview with an artist at a specifc location in Amsterdam. After recording the interviews, we edit the video, watch it and memorize the main scenes, actions and characters. Based on memory and free interpretation, the video is transcribed into a script for the performance. Each episode is performed and distributed through our speech as a primitive broadcast system.
- Episode 1, A light conversation : A conversation about death, color and neon with the artist Styrmir Orn Gudmundson
- Episode 2, When I received the invitation for your show, I thought that you were sending the invitation for mine. A mirroring day in the farm house with the artist Audrey Cottin, exploring creature and knot.
- Episode 3, WhereWereWe: A boat adventure with the artist Balthazar Berling navigating the property channels.