Soil Sand Seed, 2018, installation.
Parc Saint leger art center, Pougues-les-eaux. September - December, 2018.Photo : Aurélien Mole
Interview en français de ma pièce Soil Sand Seed sur Bac FM, Nevers, septembre 2018. Entretien avec Anna Zachmann et Elena Cardin.
A countryside inside a potion to be listened as a song.
I picked up leaves, roots and corks all around the art center. I washed it, I dried it, I sent it by mail in Reykjavik to the artist Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson. He composed music while drinking the potion. I wrote and sang lyrics, while drinking the potion. The installation is composed by the potion and the song to be drinkable / listenable by the public.
Music : Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson
Lyrics and vocal : Géraldine Longueville.
Courtesy of the artists